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'One day' or 'day one'.

On a personal note.

To start my own accessories label was always something that I wanted to do. The first thoughts to establish STYLEMATE® as a company I already had in 2016. Some of you might know this "one day I'll do it" kind of thought. I had that quite often, but I wasn't there yet to leave everything behind and to quit my job in the textile industry. Long time I've worked in buying and merchandising for global fashion brands. Wonderful years. Exciting years. Challenging years. But this thought was always present ...

One day. 

Fast forward.

Spring 2020. The world is suffering from a global pandemic we've all never been facing before. The social life as we knew it ended abruptly and has changed ever since. Like many of you I question what I want, where I want to go. I start challenging the status quo more than ever before. And one day, it all works out, it's the "right moment". And so the story begins, from "one day" to "day one". What follows is a wonderful journey - with many challenges. Within a few months this amazing team of outstanding human beings creates an accessories collection, develops packaging and strategies. It's been an exciting process with lots of passion and energy. And this is only the beginning.

The expertise everyone on the team brings to the table is amazing. We all worked in various, different areas of the fashion and accessories world. We all saw day to day, that the industry is only focused on maximizing profit, passion and love for the product is secondary. The best product is measured by sales only and really good qualities are hardly used as these products usually don't generate most sales. From an economical perspective this is understandable. Our take is different though, we cant to do things different - better. For us the product is at the core of what we're doing, connected to a true story. Made in Germany.

We can all be proud of what we've accomplished in these crazy months we went through. It's been tough, no kidding. But we're here and we are truly thankful for the support, the constructive criticism, for the inspiration and the amount of trust we have received from our partners and loved ones. They have supported the vision and they deserve a big 'thank you' for that.

To enter uncertain territory needs faith in what you're doing and strength to fight for the best outcome at all times - but foremost you need passion for what you're doing. We all got that at Stylemate, a lot of it. And we know that the best stories in life start with passion.

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Felix & Team


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